Somthing unusual that happened.,
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 @ 4:56 PM
Unusual you. Oh and BTW, that’s a Britney Spears song from her not-so-latest-anymore album, Circus. Unusual things happen all the while. Like the freak show, Cirque Du Freak. It’s from a movie but freak shows do occur in the world.
Like you see someone dressed up in some ridiculous costume, performing some dances in an attempt to get money, and runs up to you when you stare. Not watch. (It happens…) In this blog entry, I am going to write what exactly was the unusual incident that happened to me. It was our children’s day celebration in primary 4(Ah, the good days…:p) We had all the teachers dancing for us, male and female, breaking down on the dancefloor stage in some way or the other, whether tap dancing or Indian dancing or whatever. It was the first time they had done this so all of us were pretty much excited. First, we had the youngest (not to mention the prettiest) lady teaches to dance to Rihanna’s song, Umbrella, since it was popular then. And then, came the surprise. Somehow, the organiser must have been mean or something but they managed to tickle us pink. Guess what? They had the fattest and oldest male teachers to come and dance on stage. And what made it funnier was that they were clad in tutus and ballet shoes, prancing around the stage like an avid ballet dancer. As if. When they jumped and landed, they landed with a “thud” and their fats wobbled. Thinking about it now, the fact that we watched dancing fats instead of dancing men kind of irks me. Well, this musical or dance show going on now, called Men in Tutus is even more disgusting. The show has men with heavily made up faces, jumping from one end of the stage to the other. At least they are graceful, unlike those teachers. Looks like transvestites, if you were to ask me. No offence intended to anyone reading this, who happens to feel offended. At the end of the day, they gave us some goodie bags which contained something that I have forgot about, eaten or thrown away. Believe me, it was a hilarious moment, and something like this cannot be forgotten easily. Definitely not a memory I would throw away.
Something that we did in school,
Sunday, January 24, 2010 @ 5:45 PM
Many things had happened in school (though nothing INTERSTING had happened in secondary school…yet). This event took place in school, and it was our graduation year. The school organised for us games that involved the whole class (oh gah I hate games). The boys had to play soccer and the girls captain’s ball. In my class, all the boys did not really fancy soccer (yes including me too) but we did not mind captain’s ball since we had been playing it for years during PE so we played captain’s ball with them and “trained” them. Obviously, we turned out last in the soccer matches. But the girls turned out champions, worlds apart, no doubt. Then, they had this STOMP competition where we had to make music with whatever we had in the class. So we improvised with broomsticks, tables, chairs, chair legs (we did nothing, they broke off!!) and stationery. We were champions (obviously since our class had the best spirit and the most enthusiasm). School is also the place we made parodies and the what-not. How fun eh? Or form teacher, being a HOD, had priority to going to labs, and he brought us there everyday, and we made use of our time making retarded parodies. I have got no parodies but watch the above parodies (It’s a few of my favourites!) both made by Venetian Princess. And last of all, we had prom. The prom sort of prom you read about in books which high school seniors have when they graduate. We had a whole array of dishes laid out for our dinner and we had song dedications and crying time (where many broke down and said their farewells), and thank goodness we did not have the dance. This year was one hell of fun! But it was also a year that separated us. Too many events happen in school, which is why school is fun(: At least in some ways or the other. Ok BB GTG, remember to check in on my final school post!
A problem i encountered and how i managed it (or at least i tried),
Saturday, January 23, 2010 @ 9:15 PM
A human encounters problems all the time. “To err is human, to forgive is divine”. So here goes my recent major problem.
This occurred when we were in America. It was our first day there and we (my family and I) were supposed to have a relaxing day(or night) by shopping for groceries at this super market. It sold stuff in boxes and it would be a good place to stock up for a war or any other calamity. Hahah. Well, I shall get to the point. My brother and I strayed off to read some books and did not realize that my parents were walking off without even realizing. Or they just could not care less. Minutes later, we started to panic. Darn. When we were young or parents would tell us to stay at the place we last saw them, because they would look for us there. In this totally foreign place, we were really desperate. In times like this, a handphone would come in useful, but sadly, I had left my handphone in the car. I silently cursed myself while running around with my brother in a bid to find my parents. I tried to calm both myself and my brother (He sure was good at hiding his emotions; no trace of panic could be seen on his face) and…ZOMG the supermarket was huge. Nevertheless, we ran around a few times before we went back to the last place we saw them. After waiting for an eternity (What ridiculous tales, our parents sure did not come looking for us), we set out again. I was already on the verge of breaking down, and phew…we had found them this time. My mum had on nonchalant look and I was annoyed, but relieve overrode my annoyance for her. Told you, they did not give a d*** AT ALL. So much for a relaxing first day eh?
A day which i enjoyed with my family.,
Thursday, January 21, 2010 @ 5:59 PM
Grand Canyon By the sunset
This is another picture
Lake Mead
Hoover Dam
Grand Canyon before sunset. Nice view eh?
A day which I enjoyed with my family... Hmm… How about this?
Once upon a time in a land far away,
It was when we were in America last year during the holidays. On that particular day, we were going to the Hoover Dam, Lake Mead and the Grand Canyon to sight-see. We woke up early in the morning (before sunrise at around 4am, American time) and headed towards Grand Canyon. It was a five hour long drive to Hoover Dam (We were in Las Vegas) and during the duration of the trip we were talking and playing stupidly lame games. Well, when we grew tired of it, we got hooked onto our hand-held devices. Me onto my handphone and iPod, my brother on his PSP and my sister on a game-boy console (It’s a pretty old thing, so no worries if you haven’t heard of it:D). Upon reaching our destination, we rushed to take in the view. The dam looked weird… but considering the fact that I haven’t seen a dam before, of course it would look weird. Then, we proceeded to the gift shop, bought some stuff before heading towards Lake Mead. At the lake itself, there was this seafood bistro, where we had our lunch (Fish and chips). The view of the lake was ok, nothing to rave about. Next, we drove to the Grand Canyon. OMG, believe me, the view there was magnificent! We got there an hour before sunset and managed to make full use of our time making and throwing snowballs at each other. Parents included. Time flew by and it was sunset already. We managed to snap a few shots of the breath-taking view of the sunset at the Grand Canyon. And we took the very long drive back. On the way we got some fast food restaurant takeaway and reached home at around 10pm, feeling exhausted.
There goes my day. At least I spent it with my family(:
A moment spent alone doing something i enjoyed,
Saturday, January 16, 2010 @ 5:43 PM

Lady Gaga(pop singer)

Kesha(pop singer)

Taylor Swift(Country singer)
Doing something we enjoyed alone would be called a secret pleasure right? Since it’s a secret pleasure, it won’t be a secret anymore once I publish this, eh? Well I bet any kaypoh person reading this (most likely a Singaporean) must be aching to find out what exactly is this secret pleasure of mine. So, now I shall stall for time and I’m going to start by giving examples of secret pleasures of people. For example, I had this best friend of mine who absolutely loved to gaze lovingly at his girlfriend’s picture. Have no idea why he still does that, even though she used him and then dumped him a couple of years ago. Well, love blinds anyone. And then I had this classmate who took pleasure in staring at his reflection in the mirror. How very narcissistic. He was totally in love with his reflection. This “disorder” only came to our attention when we realized that he escaped to the toilet to look at himself, and when he brought a mirror to school for this purpose. He was practically staring into it even during lessons. So obviously, when our PSLE results came out, he did not fair very well, which gave him something to regret about and from then on I have heard that he’s a changed person. Now, back to the point-what is my secret pleasure? Actually, it is nothing much. I’m pretty sure many others have this pleasure as well. I love singing in the toilet. Being in the toilet, I am very alone, and there is no better place to sing than in the shower. With the running water and lyrics being played in my head like a build-in iPod, the shower is my place to relieve myself of stress. I was never proud of my voice, but there’s always something in me egging me on to burst out in a chorus of melodies. The toilet is pretty sound-proof, so I never feared my family asking me why I sing in the toilet. You might ask me what songs I sing, and I’ll tell you. I love Taylor Swift songs, Lady Gaga, probably Ke$ha too(look above for the pictures of these wonderful singers), and many more (so you can hear from my playlist), but definitely not anything too fast, rock-ish and BOOMZ (Ris Low:D). There. Hope that you’re satisfied. Ok GTG already. See you soon!